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Welcome to New Bethel AME Church

"A Place Where Life Begins"


Our Mission is to equip the saints for works of Service in the Kingdom so that every disciple will know who they are and be activated to do the work God has called them to do.

Who we are: We are a diverse community with a passion to worship God, grow as disciples, serve in our communities and be agents of change in God’s Kingdom.  

Virtual Church-During the current health crisis, we invite you to our virtual church to participate in our various programs and to worship with us online.  We currently are on
live facebook or zoom streaming.

Weekly Virtual Schedule:
For Zoom invite to join any of the following events, please join our mailing list.

12 noon: Pop up Power Prayer via Facebook
7PM Sons of Allen Prayer Line - (712) 770-5505.  Access Code 171103022

7pm PRAISEercise via Facebook and Zoom  

12 noon Pop Up Power Prayer Facebook Live
6:45PM Bible Study - Zoom
8PM Prayer Zoom

6:00pm Christian Recovery Group via Zoom

12 noon.  Pop up Power Prayer Facebook Live

9:45 am- Discipleship Institute
11:00am Worship Gathering at 11AM EST


We are a resource for you and your loved ones. If you would like to learn about our many community programs for individuals, young adults, family and couples please contact us at (978) 454-7829 or


For prayer request, please email us at

Happy Girl

Our Training and Experiences Have Lead Us to Service.

Happy Girl
Happy Girl

Rev. Janine Dailey

Is the Lead Pastor of New Bethel AME Church in Lowell, MA. Prior to her appointment in April 2019, Rev. Janine served as a member of the ministerial staff and as the Director of Liturgical Arts at St. Paul AME Church in Cambridge MA.  At the conference level, Rev. Janine is the Director of Liturgical Dance for the New England Annual Conference. 

Rev. Janine Dailey

Is the Lead Pastor of New Bethel AME Church in Lowell, MA. Prior to her appointment in April 2019, Rev. Janine served as a member of the ministerial staff and as the Director of Liturgical Arts at St. Paul AME Church in Cambridge MA.  At the conference level, Rev. Janine is the Director of Liturgical Dance for the New England Annual Conference. 

Our Leadership

Our Training and Experiences Have Lead Us to Service.

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Rev. Janine Dailey
Senior Pastor

Is the Lead Pastor of New Bethel AME Church in Lowell, MA. Prior to her appointment in April 2019, Rev. Janine served as a member of the ministerial staff and as the Director of Liturgical Arts at St. Paul AME Church in Cambridge MA. 


At the conference level, Rev. Janine is the Director of Liturgical Dance for the New England Annual Conference. 

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Rev. Rodney E. Dailey, Associate Minister

Is the President of the First Episcopal District Sons of Allen Men’s Ministry of the AME church, and the founder and architect of two successful gang prevention, intervention, mediation programs in the city of Boston, MA.


Rodney is a published author of Gang Peace to Street Peace, The Untold Story of research and applied proven methods for implementing grass roots gang prevention programs.


Rev. Ray Isaac,
Associate Minister

Has been serving at New Bethel Lowell for more than fifteen years.  In addition to serving as an Associate Minister, Rev. Isaac also serves as the President of the Sons of Allen ministry. 


He has a heart for the people and a passion for evangelism and the ministry of prayer.   He is the President of Evangelism at Bethel Boston and serves in a variety of other capacities there.

Our Ministries

We are committed to serving our community and developing disciples who are passionate about making a difference in this world. If you would like to learn more detailed information about our ministries for individuals, young adults, family or couples please contact us at (978)-454-7829 or by email at

Post Traumatic Healing and Recovery Program: Can We Talk?


Provides a safe and sacred place to share and/or listen.  Trauma can impact the life of an individual and their family in multiple ways.  Our goal is to help you on your journey of healing and recovery.  We meet every 4th Saturday of each month @4pm..

Christian Recovery Group


If you are in recovery or are struggling with active addiction, we provide a faith- based approach to recovery.  The group meets weekly on Thursday evenings @6pm.  

Weekly Bible Study


Every Wednesday evening at 6:45pm. Join us as we journey through the Bible to unpack and discover Gods word and what it means for us today.  Anyone can join us

Weekly Pray Line


Every Wednesday at 8PM Prayer is an important part of a Christians journey.  Join us for prayer as we pray for the community, family members and friends. 

Virtual Pop Up Power Prayer


Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon via Facebook Live. Prayer changes things!  We minister to our virtual family through prayer, prophetic releases and encouragement. 

Sons of Allen Men’s Ministry


Faith-based and bible centered men’s group that meets regularly for support and prayer.

Sleeping Bag Ministry

We support homeless men and women by providing them with sleeping bags.  Although not a solution, sleeping bags provide warmth, a sense of comfort and some protection against outdoor elements.

Weekly Online Sunday Service


Join us as we journey through the Bible to unpack and discover Gods word and what it means for us today.  Anyone can join us.

Weekly Discipleship Institute


We believe in equipping the saints for service.  This is for all believers who are ready to take their learning to the next level.



Every Tuesdays at 7PM  via Facebook Live and Zoom. Gentle movements of praise, prayer and prophetic declarations


Our Lowell Community Neighbors


Regardless of where you live, we invite you to fellowship with our community of believers. We are located in Lowell, MA, but the power of God, His grace, His love and His transformative work is omnipresent. We invite you into our community to experience prophetic and relevant preaching, authentic worship, and a powerful move of the Spirit of the Living God.  

To learn more about our upcoming programs join our mailing list. If you would like us to connect with you directly call us today at (978)-454-7829 or by email at

Contact Us

New Bethel A.M.E Church

75 Grand Street, Lowell MA

Tel: (978) 454-7829

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